Read more on How to Tell If Garage Door Spring Is Broken
TagsGarage Door Repair News, Garage Door Safety, Repair, Service

How to Tell If Garage Door Spring Is Broken

You’re about to leave the house—you hit the garage door opener, but nothing happens. Now what? There’s a good chance your garage door spring is broken and needs replacing. Before we provide tips for how to tell if garage door spring is broken, we advise you to leave it up a certified garage door technician…

Read more on When Is the Best Time for Garage Door Maintenance?
TagsGarage Door Repair News, Garage Door Safety, Repair, Service

When Is the Best Time for Garage Door Maintenance?

The best time for garage door maintenance is anytime. If you notice things are “off” with your garage door controller or the speed at which your garage door is opening and closing, there’s no sense in putting garage door maintenance off until the weather is warmer or until you have time to organize your garage.…