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Garage Door Power Outage: How to Manually Open Your Garage Door

Garage Door Power Outage: How to Manually Open Your Garage Door

Your garage door serves an important function in your life. You may not think much of it, but once your garage door isn’t working, it can be a huge inconvenience! If your garage door isn’t opening, it could be due to your garage door opener, perhaps your garage door is damaged, or, it could be due to a garage door power outage.  

If it’s the latter, and your garage door is normally in good working order, you’re in luck! There is a simple way you can manually open garage door.  

Manual Garage Door: Bypass the Automatic Opener 

Most garage doors have a function to switch off the automatic opener so you can manually open the garage door. In the event of a garage door power outage, we recommend switching your garage door to manual so you can open it.  

Have you noticed the string hanging down from the garage door opener system? It’ll likely have a type of handle on the end. Pulling down on the handle will disengage the automatic opener system that isn’t working because of the power outage.   

We recommend doing this when the garage door is closed. If your door is open, it could cause it to come crashing down rather quickly, which could harm objects, people or pets standing nearby.  

manually open garage door

After the Garage Door Power Outage  

After the power returns, and you’re ready to start using your automatic opener again, you’ll need to reattach your garage door to the automatic opener. To do this, simply pull down on the rope again, then pull up on the door until you hear or feel it clip back into place. If it’s properly connected, you’ll see the spring attachment connect once the opener reaches a certain point.  

After this, if your garage door still isn’t opening, give us a call at Alpha Doors. We’d be happy to help you get your garage door back into working order.  

For troubles opening your garage door, contact the team at Alpha Doors. We’d be happy to help you get your garage door opener back on track!

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