Your garage door may not be an area you think about frequently, but it’s likely something you use at least twice a day. However, when your garage door track hinders it from opening or closing properly, it can cause a huge inconvenience in your day. No one likes having their vehicle stuck inside their garage when rushing out the door on a busy morning, or being stuck outside their garage after a long day. At Alpha Doors, we’ve been helping Nanaimo homeowners with garage doors repairs for over two decades. One of the most common issues homeowners have is when their garage door falls off the track.
Why Your Garage Door Tracks May Dislodge
If your garage door has fallen off its tracks, it may be as anticlimactic as your tracks becoming bent or broken, and a roller coming loose, or as dramatic as having your entire door falling over and crashing on your driveway. If your garage door track has become dislodged, there are three likely scenarios that may have been the cause.
Worn Cables
Your garage door cables are responsible for a lot of weight. Over time, they can become frayed or broken. Severe hot or cold weather can also contribute to the cables becoming more worn over time.
Track Obstructions
If your garage door track has an obstruction, it could cause the door to fall out of the tracks.
Accidental Impact
Accidental impact, such as driving or sliding into your garage door can cause it to come off the tracks. If this happens, your entire door system may need to be replaced.
What To Do If Your Garage Door Tracks Need Repair
If your garage door has gotten off track, don’t sweat it! Thankfully, your local garage door repair company Alpha Doors is experienced in garage door repairs of all kinds. Garage doors are extremely heavy and can be dangerous, especially if it’s fallen off the tracks. Because of this, we don’t recommend fixing it yourself. Call us today if you need help getting your garage door back on track. We’d be happy to help you get back on track.